The JWT Evaluation Diary
Starting evaluation right before mid year and annual appraisal.
For an objective evaluation there can be an engaging creative tool for JWT employes to keep track on their progress through a personal diary.
The reason we chose the image of amug on the cover is that it is a symbol of a personalized item, something thatonly one person uses and is not shared by others. It highlights the fact thatthis journal is indeed entirely personal and is not to be shared with anyone,encouraging its holders to be as honest as possible in their progressrecordings.
The Avatar Page:
This page allows each journalholder to personalize an avatar that reflects their personal selves. It alsohelps as a fun-inducing exercise that will create an emotional link between thejournal holder and the journal itself, encouraging them to cherish it and tocome back to it often.
The separators in journal containquotes that relate to the 360 ⁰ feedback and data collection process.They act as motivational tools that help journal holders to reflect more on the360 ⁰ concept, in addition to it being an interactive tool that canbe detached from the booklet and used as a decorative item on workspaces.
The notepad pages are inserted to personalizethe journal and to encourage journal holders to scribble, doodle and jot downtheir notes. This is where they will keep track of their progress and performancethroughout the year and the 12 pages pertain to the 12 months of the year, wherea monthly summarization of progress can be recorded.
Starting evaluation right before mid year and annual appraisal.
For an objective evaluation there can be an engaging creative tool for JWT employes to keep track on their progress through a personal diary.
The reason we chose the image of amug on the cover is that it is a symbol of a personalized item, something thatonly one person uses and is not shared by others. It highlights the fact thatthis journal is indeed entirely personal and is not to be shared with anyone,encouraging its holders to be as honest as possible in their progressrecordings.
The Avatar Page:
This page allows each journalholder to personalize an avatar that reflects their personal selves. It alsohelps as a fun-inducing exercise that will create an emotional link between thejournal holder and the journal itself, encouraging them to cherish it and tocome back to it often.
The separators in journal containquotes that relate to the 360 ⁰ feedback and data collection process.They act as motivational tools that help journal holders to reflect more on the360 ⁰ concept, in addition to it being an interactive tool that canbe detached from the booklet and used as a decorative item on workspaces.
The notepad pages are inserted to personalizethe journal and to encourage journal holders to scribble, doodle and jot downtheir notes. This is where they will keep track of their progress and performancethroughout the year and the 12 pages pertain to the 12 months of the year, wherea monthly summarization of progress can be recorded.